Competitive Swimming
Rykneld Swimming Club
Rykneld Swimming Club's competitive swimming section is split into 6 levels in total. 3 of these levels come under Junior Squads and 3 levels under Senior Squads as follows:
Junior Squads
Development Squad - To help with the transition from swimming lessons to training sessions and includes swimmers in stages 8, 9 & 10 of Learn to Swim.
SL 1 - Learning to train. Focusing on development of stamina and skill along with introducing the technical aspects of training and competitive swimming.
SL 2 - Learning to train as SL1 with more focus on developing these new skills over longer distances and maintaining form.
Senior Squads
SL 3 - Following on from SL 2, increasing distance in sessions and intensity of training. Learning training and resting cycles and how thy fit in with competitions.
SL 4 - Following on from SL 3, increasing distance and intensity of training sessions with an expectation of the swimmers to take an active interest in the creating of training and resting cycles.
Masters - For retired competitive swimmers who would like to maintain fitness.
SL = Squad Level
Swim England Athlete Development Support Pathway